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Mitteilung von Höflich (19.10.2012 20:04:18):
>>>>Boulevard of broken dreams

>>>>Just thought about that picture. The blaster is kinda online forum about it i thought. I considered writing in German for a sec – but then who again ever gave a shit? Some knows-it-all will probably refer me to the English version anyways, but like with all good crimes – at the moment it's discovered it's too late anyways. So why am I always getting back here, back to the boulevard of broken dreams? maybe because i fit here, maybe i just search for entertainment – or maybe even both. It's funny how you can somehow feel related to people you have never met, know absolutely no details about them – not even their name. Still you kinda feel good looking after them, just if they were family. Life just gets stranger every day, so this forum seems to be fitting. Maybe that's simply all that life is about – just somehow getting along and hoping for that light to be at the end of the tunnel.
>>>Kannst Du kein Deutsch, -englische Texte bitte in den englischen Blaster reinrotzen, --- Danke.
>>It's funny how it's always the truly retarded people that turn out to be the knows-it-all. In Deutsch: Besserwisser.
>Besser-wisser: Furzer, Rülpser und Popler. Ja, ich weiß es besser, die kleinen Freuden des Lebens, sie sind es die das Dasein lebenswert machen! Gute Schleimborken zerkauen, Fürze aufriechen und dem gewaltigen Sound der Rülpser lauschen, -wunderbar!

Hahaha, Andreas, muss echt sagen, manchmal bist du echt 'ganz großes Kino' wie man manchmal so schön sagt. Sers alder!