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pantoffelpunk schrieb am 28.11. 2005 um 09:29:24 Uhr über


»My Vagina«

My vagina has two sets of lips
But I don't get monthly blood drips
My vagina hardly even used

My vagina's got lots of extra skin
They took my outtie and made it an in
Changing Donnie to Marie Osmond

Operation successfull
But now I gotta pee
Through a miniature hole
Gotta remember to put the seat down
And when I wipe my ass
I go from front to back
Cause I don't want a bladder infection

I never thought I'd miss my vas deferans
I traded it in for a pair of huge cans
Now I get to hang with lesbians

Operation paid up front
Now I show all my friends
My new designer cunt
They think I'm kinda weird
But that's OK with me
Cause now I kick their ass
Playing from the ladies tee
Theres nothing finer than having a vagina.


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