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andalei schrieb am 1.6. 2004 um 16:51:00 Uhr über


oh, i understand u more than u know
»sister morphin and «cousin cocain" are still in
my brain.
all the doc`s are lying to me cause they say
it`s going away.
it will be going away but whithout my brain whithout my way.
i was lying in bed whith all these »sisters and cousins..«, no sleep so dreams no visions no reality.
take a break and feeeeeeeel fine feeeeeeeeel fine but what`s the price for feeling fine, what`s the NAME to fly?
to fly away to get away to run away...to die!
just for one day for one night to see and feel all these light.
in my soul in my brain in my heard i will feel the fire of love and peace.
just freedom no pain
just sun and no rain.
so i`d like to win the fucking game
but i can`t.....
i`ll try the next time, do i???


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