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Hamlet Hamster schrieb am 12.10. 2004 um 17:58:45 Uhr über


I t is what it is and not what it seems
‘cause Im a prisoner of my own dreams.
I can see the flash of my fleshy body,
screwing the drivers in a first class lobby
means nothing but snobby, - snobby, snob, snob -
‘cause that my hobby and thats my job.
Im living in a shop right underneath
the cargo to down under, the ticket to ride,
youre bounded to your sake - smooth and tight.
Will you be my baby; will you be my bride?
Will you be my baby only tonight?
Forget the freaky people because they rule already,
forget the pity petting; be able to be steady,
steady like a stone or like your music bone.
Im singing straight and loud right into your phone:
Baby come around, I dont like to be alone!

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