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elfboi schrieb am 10.3. 2003 um 01:33:28 Uhr über



The Goth Poem Generator

Do you want to write really bad poetry, but just don't have the time? Are you too busy putting on makeup and fishnets to think up some really terrible prose? Does your manufactured angst seem not quite angsty enough? We here at the Tiesel Haxan Experience feel your pain. BUT, you need worry no more, as you too can now write truly abysmal poems with but the click of a mouse! Ladies and gentlemen, the Goth Poem Generator is here to help you. Down below, a simple little bit of gothyness. If you don't find that it fits your tastes, why, hit the appropriate link and another will be forthcoming! Not only does it save time, but it's really stupid too. And that's all anyone needs.

Nights of Eternity

I cannot escape this hurt and anger
Black roses are strewn in my path
while I dream at the wicked night
i am lost and cast away from society
i wish only to taste the sweet, sweet sanguine
could I find a lonelier place to be
my soul is dead and nothing is left
i too will fly on wings of night
endless bloodlust


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