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kaqlinka schrieb am 27.1. 2007 um 02:33:49 Uhr über


Flug Mut flut`.
Flute Lute Dude.
Loop Playback Payback hey, Sack, check Star Treck, fett keck, nett?
Ja, klar, fahr Bahn zum Spartarif tief Thief and Murde hurd a wife wile high striping out klosets of dusty marschmelloonionrings dingdude.
Hugh cake, Flake of oirder now, gimme a cake , little peace just of shit, spit off kill bill, thrill me hom,e to my rest of little life in froint of computers. help! helöp! hallop. hallopsasa, hallo0, pisasrtudie3nanwärtertürme der Statistik.

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