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mcnep schrieb am 20.1. 2005 um 22:53:40 Uhr über


»Applied to the creative person, the dissociative function reemerges whenever he is in search of a creative state. The dissociative function liberates him from his customary mode of operation and permits emerging drive–derived cathexis to new treatment by the ego and the superego. It is probable that the dissociative function (rather than the ego regression) [genau ihr, ihr Blasterspasten, das geht raus an alle egoretarden Wichser da draußen. Kauft keinen gestreckten Shit von Hatern, folks! Köpft ein Einbeck drauf, erklärt nur einem toten Hasen die Bilder!] is receptive to the new id-derived cathexis available for the ego. This constitutes the optimal state of the ego for creative inspirational activity.«

Weissman (1967) Theoretical considerations of ego regressions and ego functions in creativity
cf. Richard D. Cheddick, Emotional Illness and Creativity
Madison 1999

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