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Jo schrieb am 18.9. 2011 um 14:26:41 Uhr über


Ich find es geil zu lesen, wenn eine Frau schreibt wie geil sie es findet, wenn 2 Männer in ihr kommen.

zum Beispiel:

»I just love being fucked by a man and having him cum in my pussy. There is just something so intensely satisfying about it. To be fucked hard and urgently by a man and to hear and sense him getting ready to orgasm really does it for me. 99 times out of a 100 I'll cum again as he does and the orgasm I have is quite different to other orgasms. I don't know what it is but I do know I love it

»And the times when I have two guys cum together in my pussy is hard to explain. It's just like doubling what it is like when there is one guy. I guess that may be why - when I'm being fucked by two guys in my pussy - that I keep asking them for more and more. I want them to both cum in me

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