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www.blogbar.de/archiv/2006/11/20/719/ schrieb am 24.11. 2006 um 15:25:57 Uhr über


Der Datenschutz-GAU von StudiVZ: Auch geschützte Bilder sind für jeden online ohne einloggen abzurufen
20.11.2006 | 11:08 von DonAlphonso

* Blogosphäre
* Blogs & Companies

English Summary. This Article shows how the infamous startup StudiVZ cares about the data of their Users. Even with the highest security standards set in the profile of the users, everyone with a browser and an internet connection can browse all the hidden, maybe extremely private pictures (sex, drugs, rock´n´roll orgies noone should see) by simply by typing the URL of the pictures without registring at StudiVZ. This is definitely not a bug or a hack - StudiVZ stored all pictures on a webserver without the slightest securuety meassures.

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