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mechanical boy schrieb am 9.7. 2002 um 03:46:47 Uhr über


Ich bin wahrlich kein Fan von Copy&PasteBlasterern, erst recht nicht, wenn es sich bei dem kopierten Texten um englischsprachige handelt, aber da hier sowieso schon so viele lächerliche Hollywood- und Schundliteraturklischees über Vamire stehen erlaube ich mir einfach mal einen, wie ich finde, etwas interessanteren Text zu dem thema zu posten. Er stammt von einem Satanisten der in den Foren der fCoS (first Church of Satan) schreibt. Ich sage vielleicht noch dazu, daß ich mich selbst weder als Satanisten noch Vampir betrachte:

"The Truth As Ah Sees It
There is a lot of argument going on over what a »real« vampire actually is. The way I see it, these arguments are largely silly, because each type of vampire only seems capable of thinking within their own protective barriers, and quite INCAPABLE of thinking from other people's viewpoints.

I recognize anyone who considers themselves to be a vampire as a vampire. If you drink blood for any reason, be it for survival or pleasure or both, I would consider you a vampire, so long as you yourself accept the label as a term of self-reference. If you like to drain energy, then congratulations, I consider you a vampire. If you have some other interpretation of what a vampire is, and you feel that you fit the requirements, then voila! You're a vampire! I don't care what ANYBODY says...if you fancy yourself a vampire, then I will consider you one.

(However, I should mention that if you believe you are literally undead, and that you can fly, or that you can only be killed by sunlight, then I would suggest that you see a psychologist and get whatever psychiatric help you can, as quite obviously THAT type of vampire is incapable of existing.)

The following is MY interpretation of what a vampire is, and I don't really give a damn if anybody here likes it or not. This is just my two cents; you don't have to agree. Personally, I would LIKE it if you agreed with me, but nobody here is under any such obligation.

Vampires are immortal and interdimensional spiritual intelligences that continually reincarnate in physical form throughout different points in time and space and in several different dimensions of the multiverse -- sometimes several at a time. A vampire does not have to drain energy to be such, though some do, because your typical vampire requires much more physical energy than a typical human. This is because the vastly complicated intellect of a vampire is so immense and powerful that it can sometimes ravage a vampire's physical body. The more powerful your intellect becomes, the weaker your body becomes. Therefore a vampire might find it necessary to drain energy from others in order to stay physically healthy, although draining »life energy« is by no means the only way of doing this. I imagine that many vampires could do just as well by eating healthy diets and exercising regularly, perhaps a bit MORE regularly than normal humans.

There are of course those vampires who are so immersed in their incorporeal aspects that they are barely aware of their bodies. Sometimes I think I am one of these vampires myself.

I think of a vampire's »Dayside« as being his/her body and physical presence, while the »Nightside« is the the vampire in its true form -- a spiritual intelligence that exists outside of the light of reason and understanding. All vampires that possess bodies are »Twilight« vampires in that they possess both a Dayside and a Nightside. But this is just my understanding of these concepts.

Basically, to explain it away in a nutshell, being a vampire is not a physical thing, but a spiritual thing. It is quite similar to Lord Egan's view of himself as a Daemon, only when you're a vampire, you interpret your Daemonic (true) Self from a more vampiric perspective. This means that a vampire is a type of Daemon -- i.e., an enlightened and self-aware entity that has become aware of itself as something immortal, indestructible, and unlike anything else in existence.

Just for the record, I am not a member of the Temple of the Vampire (as personally I strongly disagree with their secrecy, at least at this point in time).

Lord Geifodd"

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